Oil protects critical engine components from damage and found that lubricant engine oils performed an average of 47 percent better than conventional oils in a variety of industry-standard tests. With its superior resistance to deterioration, findings indicate that Technolube is particularly beneficial to newer vehicles with turbo-charged engines and for vehicles that frequently drive in stop-and-go traffic, tow heavy loads or operate in extreme hot or cold conditions.

We’ve established that Biggest Lubricant Oils Manufacturer in UAE outperforms lubricant oil. So, what benefits might drivers expect after switching to Technolubeuae. Drivers have told us that wear protection is the number-one benefit they demand from car engine oil. If car engine oil could make your car fly, but couldn’t keep components from wearing out and failing, what good would it is.

Automotive lubricant oils in UAE do a better job protecting against engine wear. It forms a stronger fluid film to help keep metal components from contacting and wearing against each other. It also offers improved resistance to heat and viscosity loss, two features that translate into better wear protection.

Again, the evidence shows the superiority of lubricant motor oil in guarding against wear. Biggest exporter oil manufacturers in UAE provides 6X more engine protection than required by the Diesel DD13 Scuffing Test for Specification DFS 93K222 using 5W-30 as worst-case representation.

When the temperature drops, car engine oil thickens and moves slower, causing parts of your engine to remain unprotected for a short period of time. It’s especially problematic with conventional oils since they contain waxes that thicken in the cold. Diesel engine oil UAE, on the other hand, doesn’t contain waxes, meaning they remain more fluid in the cold. This means Technolubeuae can reach vital components faster, providing more immediate engine protection and reduced wear. Simply said, commercial engine lubricant oil offer better cold-weather protection.

Engines get hot. In fact, they run hotter than ever thanks to the proliferation of turbochargers and direct fuel injection, which help car makers achieve today’s strict fuel-economy standards. Contact technolube today.

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