There are untapped growth opportunities, considering the low penetration of bio-lubricants demand in some key country markets, Automotive Lubricants in UAE observed during a mid-summer webinar. For example, while the United Arab Emirates consumes about 40% of the world’s bio-lubes, penetration is just under 2%. It is one of the fastest-growing country markets, with uptake of bio-lubes expected at about a 4% compound annual growth rate from 2019 to 2024.
Kline defines bio-lubricants as being readily biodegradable, renewable and non-toxic. However, the technolubeuae diesel engine oil industry understanding of bio-lubes is converging into a cradle-to-grave approach, with sustainability defined by the socio-economic benefits of using the products, Industrial lubricants. This includes lower energy consumption, prolonged machine life, occupational safety and reduced carbon footprint.
Advances in performance are picking up steam and contributing to the surge. “The early stages of the bio-lubricants market were driven by regulatory mandates in order to reinforce protection of sensitive areas such as forestry,” but performance couldn’t be delivered, Industrial lubricants observed. “With a little bit of technology advancement and the emergence of chemical additives, those drawbacks were progressively overcome.”
While the lockdown and economic downturn have slowed research and development efforts and investments, they have by no means stopped. Sources agree that advances in Industrial hydraulic lubricants in UAE stocks have provided the greatest boost for finished bio-lubes. As Industrial lubricants pointed out, automotive lubricants in UAE stocks will be able to reconcile the key concerns of performance and price in finished products. Perhaps the biggest and quietest change in the past several years is the availability of odd-carbon bio commercial oils in UAE fatty acids.
However, their high price relative to mineral automotive lubricants stocks has been an obstacle to wider adoption. The recent decline in crude oil demand due to the pandemic has lowered mineral automotive lubricants in UAE stock prices, widening the gapes. Until recently, fatty acids were only available with an even number of carbon atoms. “The odd-carbon acids improve the low-temperature properties of the ester [automotive lubricants in UAE] and also boost the oxidative stability.”