Whether you are expert car maintenance, or you are just starting out, there are some key questions we all ask ourselves every so often, and lubricants supplier in UAE is here to lend a helping hand. Elite could be due to a couple issues, including insufficient oil added during the last oil change or oil consumption. There are several reasons for oil consumption. But here are a couple of the more common.

Leaking seals or gaskets – your engine uses seals in various places to ensure oil stays inside the diesel engine oil while contaminants stay out. A prime example is around the crankshaft where it protrudes from the engine and connects to the transmission. Gaskets seal the uneven metal surfaces between parts to ensure, in part, that oil stays inside the engine. The cylinder head gasket is a notable example. If the seals and gaskets become worn, brittle or deformed over time, they can result in oil leaks. The engine oil level will drop, depending on the severity of the leak.

Engine oil in UAE provides you the best quality products. The less stable the oil, the more readily it evaporates. As the engine is running, a thin film of oil coats the cylinder wall and piston skirt. Given its proximity to the fiery cauldron inside the combustion chamber, the oil in this area of the engine can easily volatilize or evaporate. The byproducts can exit the tailpipe as emissions. But they can also form harmful carbon deposits inside the engine that reduce efficiency and eventually lead to engine failure.

Engine oil is more resistant to volatility than conventional oil, so use a good automotive lubricant oils to reduce oil consumption due to volatility and help keep your engine clean. It’s likely due to operator error; someone simply added too much last time the oil was changed or topped-off.

Motor Lubricants Oil Manufacturer in UAE provide you the best quality products of automotive engine oil for the best average of your engine, you may visit us at the technolube. Too much oil is a bad thing. The spinning crankshaft and churning engine parts whip air into the oil, which can cause foam. The tiny bubbles travel between moving parts, where they rupture. When they do, nothing is left to protect metal surfaces from wear. Foam also increases heat, which causes the oil to chemically breakdown sooner.

Increased oil levels can also be due to fuel dilution. This is when fuel enters the crankcase and contaminates the oil. In severe cases, enough fuel can enter the crankcase to noticeably increase the oil level. This is bad. Very bad. Fuel dilution leads to sludge, varnish and engine wear. If you want that your engine reduces oil consumption and keeps your engine clean. Contact technolube now.

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