The Branded Oil in UAE task of making sure that components received are correct is a joint responsibility of the supplier and the customer. Limits must be set and agreed to by both parties and adhered to without lapses.

Additives are a more complex system, but even the most basic of components has the same rules. Another aspect of ensuring quality is quality protection.

Again, I was involved in an incident that was the result of poor quality protection practice. We were getting 100 neutral Industrial oils UAE from a supplier. With viscosity of 20 costs at 40 C, 100N base stock is used in lower-viscosity motor oil and transmission fluids. The supplier was an old source to us, so we were pretty confident of their product quality. However, we began receiving railcars with cloudy oil. The obvious source was water. We checked with the supplier, and they assured us that nothing had changed.

This continued off and on for a few shipments. We requested that we be allowed to review the operation ourselves. One of our purchasing people and a technical service representative visited the plant. The biggest grease exporter in UAE, which had capacity to carry 23,000 gallons, was rolled up to the loading spot and the central dome was opened up. A fill spout from the main bulk storage of 100N was swung over the car and began to load through the dome.

If you have any worry about your car or any vehicle, feel free to contact us at technolube. Were it not for bad weather, it might have taken a lot longer to figure out the problem, but it started to rain. There was no roof over the fill spot and no tarp or other protective covering placed over the dome, so some rainwater mixed in with the load. It only takes about 20 parts per millions of water to cause a haze in grease, which in this case was less than 0.5 gallons. The point of the story is that your suppliers need to protect the quality of their products or there will be problems.

Quality assurance is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering products or automotive engine oils services to customers. Not only are your suppliers obligated to send you on-spec components, but you are expected to send on-spec products and services to your customers. This one is where the rubber meets the road, and of course I have an example of this as well.

As some of you may know, outboard motor oil has some unique characteristics. Since it is designed to lubricate a water-cooled two-cycle engine, the oil is mixed with fuel at a relatively high ratio of fuel to oil (100:1). These formulations are also usually ashes.

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