Branded oil in UAE provides you the best automotive lubricants in UAE. In theory, your oil filter has a simple job, capture wear-causing contaminants and hold them in the filter media so they don’t run amok throughout your engine. But lots of factors can throw a wrench into this plan, which can raise questions about oil filters and filtration. Here are some of the most common.

The branded oil in UAE filter is designed to capture contaminants and hold them within the filter media. Over time, the media fills with dirt particles, agglomerated soot, metal particles and other junk. If the filter plugs, the pressure differential will open the bypass valve, which allows oil to bypass the filter, preventing oil starvation. Sure, dirty oil is preferable to no oil, but it’s not a long-term plan you can trust.

Branded oil in UAE is the finest brand in the UAE; you must visit us at the technolube for the best lubricant products. A low-quality, cheap conventional filter doesn’t offer the capacity of an oil filter using engine oil media, meaning it fills with contaminants faster and requires more frequent changes. Plus, if you drive in dusty, dirty conditions, your engine is exposed to increased levels of airborne dirt particles that can enter the engine, especially if you haven’t changed the air filter in a while or there’s a leak in the intake system.

Some modern direct-fuel-injection vehicles experience elevated fuel dilution, which also takes a toll on the diesel engine oil filtration system. In diesel engines, soot particles can agglomerate into larger contaminants and lodge in the filter. This all adds up to more contaminants and more stress on the filter.

Follow the oil filter manufacturer’s service guidelines. If none are given, go with what’s recommended in your vehicle owner’s manual. The Internet is full of pre-fillers and anti-pre-fillers, all of whom seem able to reference a high-mileage conversion van or pickup they’ve serviced for decades either pre-filling or never pre-filling the filter.

Some filter manufacturers say pre-filling the filter isn’t necessary. But remember – they make filters, not engines. There’s a technolube engine manufacturer recommend passenger car engine lubricant oils UAE, and it’s so the oil flows readily at start-up when it’s cold and the engine doesn’t go without vital lubrication while it builds oil pressure.

To help ensure the engine doesn’t start dry, we recommend you pre-fill the oil filter if you can. Horizontally oriented filters can pose a problem, but even they can be pre-filled with some oil. I typically pour a little oil into the filter and tip it sideways and check the oil inside. If there’s room for more before it begins to spill out of the opening in the filter, I add a little more automotive lubricant oils before installing the filter.

Capacity refers to the number of contaminants a filter can hold while still remaining effective. While there’s no industry-standard capacity rating, similar to the efficiency rating noted above, full branded oil offers greater capacity than conventional media. The smaller fibers in media allow more room for contaminants to lodge without restricting oil flow. For the better engine life please contact technolube today.

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