Engine Oil in UAE which is generally called as technolubeuae in machine shops were parts are machined to desired size and shape using machining center like VMC, HMC, CNC, Lathe, etc. During this machining process, a large amount of heat being generated between the part and the tool due to friction. To provide lubrication and cooling effect, Industrial and commercial lubricant oils/ diesel engine oils UAE is being used. There are two types of engine oil.

Industrial hydraulic oils provides good lubricity, which is used for heavy duty machining applications like Gear cutting, Broaching, etc.., and Water-soluble industrial and commercial lubricant oils provides good cooling effect and appropriate lubricity which is used for Light duty to Medium duty machining applications like Milling, Turning, Drilling, Tapping, Reaming, etc.

Hydraulic oils are used 100% in machines and normally do not required any maintenance activity. However, commercial lubricant oils are generally used in machines with mix in water at 5~10%. Generally, a solution that has water in it always need some maintenance otherwise the microorganism coming from water will destroy the property of that solution. This is the same case for commercial lubricant oils.

If commercial lubricant oils are in circulation or in agitation, then there will not be much problem. However, if the industrial and automotive lubricant oils is stagnant for some period like one or two days (mainly during week holidays like Saturday and Sunday) then some care is needed to avoid the commercial lubricant oils from being decomposed. This is a manageable situation. But if the stoppage is very long, then we should take necessary preventive actions to take care of commercial lubricant oils, Machine and the Machined parts to avoid huge loss.

Following are preventive actions, which need to be carried when there is a long shutdown of your machines running with water-soluble industrial oils UAE and commercial lubricant oils. To avoid rusting of your parts, apply rust preventive oil and cover it properly to prevent the parts from contaminants like dust and moisture. To avoid white corrosion of Aluminum parts, make sure the parts are moisture free and covered properly. If you doubt the presence of moisture, spray dry air or use a de -watering fluid by dipping method to remove the moisture from the parts and cover it properly. Above practice, helps you a trouble free situation when we start our machine after long shutdown.

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