Maintenance is one of those things you either do or don’t do. There isn’t a good way to fall “in between” on the maintenance spectrum, nor do your vehicles like to be in a state of disrepair. Life is short, so why waste time due to improper maintenance? Contact motor lubricants oil manufacturer in UAE today.

We know it’s sometimes tempting to follow the principle of “least maintenance possible”, but eventually your vehicle will hit tipping point of failure and you are left wandering. Your approach to maintenance can be divided into the following categories and our experts have assigned a rating based on the best principle – let’s get started!

You drive your vehicles and run your equipment to the point of failure and fix things as they break. Many casual motorists can be lumped into this category. This strategy earns a poor maintenance grade. Those who fall into this category invest just enough time in preventive maintenance to prevent major breakdowns. While much more preferable to Reactive maintenance, this mindset still only gets a fair maintenance grade.

Now we’re starting to get somewhere. Those who practice Predictive maintenance periodically inspect service and clean their passenger car engine lubricant oils and equipment to get an understanding of their exact condition and to ward off potential problems. This gets a good maintenance grade. Folks who fall within this category attempt to predict when something will fail based on mileage, operating conditions and other factors, then proactively solve problems before they arise. This gets an excellent maintenance grade.

This is the pinnacle of vehicle maintenance and, admittedly, is practiced by few people. It entails monitoring the condition of your vehicles while they are in operation using, for example, diesel engine oil analysis or aftermarket temperature or pressure gauges. This gets the ultimate rating of optimum.

Let the old industrial hydraulic engine oil drain until the stream has reduced to a dribble. Expect this to take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. Reinstall the oil drain plug. Screw it in by hand first to reduce the risk of cross-threading. If you encounter resistance before a significant portion of the plug has been screwed in, back it out and try again. Once the plug is in place, use a torque wrench set to the manufacturer’s torque specifications (again, refer to the owner’s manual) to finish tightening it. If you do not have a torque wrench, give the plug an additional quarter to a half turn with a box wrench or socket wrench. Do not over tighten. For the best protection of your engine please visit technolubeuae today.

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